Sunday, March 26, 2023

Τime for pizza and math!!

Everyone loves pizza😋 Our students make homemade pizza with their parents at home and learn the whole, half and quarter! After all, math is also delicious!!


Creating math games for the Kindergarten classroom - 2nd Kindergarten of Filiatra

With simple materials such as cardboard, markers, scissors, wooden pegs and others we can create interesting math games for our students...😊


"π Day" and where did the Number Hunters of the 2nd Kindergarten of Filiatra discover "π"?

 March 14 - World day celebrating the "constant π" and at 2nd Kindergarten of Filiatra the team "Number Hunters" managed to "uncover" the magic number "π", which likes to hide inside circles and spheres!!

Unbelievable joy for the discovery of "π" inside soap bubbles, which are a model of very stable geometry for all mathematicians in the world😀!!!

Thales the father of geometry and the "Number hunters" of the 2nd Kindergarten of Filiatra.

 Thales was one of the 7 sages of antiquity and is also considered the father of geometry!

After we met Thales in our class, the desire came to make geometric shapes, using and the appropriate instruments! But where else have we seen geometric shapes? Of course in the works of the great painter V. Kandinsky!

In the following video you will see what happened when the Nymber Hunters of the 2nd Kindergarten of Filiatra met Thales and brought the beloved Kandinsky to their company!

Mathematics in our school garden!

  In our Kindergarten (2nd Kindergarten of Filiatra) we have had the pleasure of growing our own vegetables for several years😊

Spring has arrived and it's time to renew our vegetable garden!

So time for math!!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Fairy tale on π-day

 The challenge came on March 14th … 3rd month, 14th day … 3.14 … π-day in the Number Hunters program !!

We immediately got to work!!!

We grouped the letters and numbers! We were helped by two sumbols, 1 for the numbers and π for the letters.

The rest have arrived...

And a story was born... a story to justify the existence of π in the field of mathematics!!
The story became a puppet show, the video puppet show and the video fairy tale!!

 and we didn't just stop there... the fairy tale was illustrated with the most fantastic illustrators and published by the unique Rizaki publications and translated into two languages!!

Happy reading!!!

Alexandra Serentellou,Kindergarten of Meligalas,Greece.

 14 March -Pi Day 

We learn Π=3,14

Alexandra Serentellou,Kindergarten of Meligalas,Greece

 Mathematics in the nature!

Alexandra Serentellou,Kindergarten of Meligalas Greece

 Traditional game: Hopscotch.

Panagiota Skouteri, Isaac Newton and Mathimatics

Στα πλαίσια του etwinning προγράμματος, Number Hunters, σαν τμήμα , διαλέξαμε να ασχοληθούμε με τον Ισαάκ Νεύτωνα. Ήταν Άγγλος φυσικός, αστρονόμος, φιλόσοφος, αλχημιστής , θεολόγος και μαθηματικός, Και συγκεκριμένα με το γνωστό "δίσκο του Νεύτωνα". Αποτελείται από μιια συσκευή και επίσης από την βάση και την τροχαλία στρέψης. Όπως περιστρέφεται ο δίσκος, το χρώμα που βλέπουν οι μαθητές είναι το λευκό. Εμείς κρατήσαμε το μαθηματικό μέρος , αυτής της συσκευής , και συγκεκριμένα τη μοτίβο και σειροθέτηση των χρωμάτων. Με διάφορες εφαρμογές δώσαμε λόγο στο Νεύτωνα και κίνηση σε ζωγραφιές των παιδιών. The Englishman Isaac Newton, was a physicist, astronomer, philosopher, alchemist, theologian and mathematician. We introduce the mathematician to our students and especially we worked on Newton's disc. This disk, although it contains many colors, when it rotates, it looks like beige or gray. We worked on the sequences of these colors. #NumberHunters #etwinning
Στα πλαίσια του #etwinning προγράμματος #NumberHunters ασχοληθήκαμε με τη σταθερά Π=3,14, όπως περιφέρεια του κύκλου. Μιλήσαμε στα παιδιά για τον αριθμό αυτό και εξηγήσαμε ότι μας βοηθάει να μετράμε την περιφέρεια του κύκλου, όποιο μέγεθος και αν έχει αυτός. Η σταθερά αυτή εκφράζει την αρμονία και μέσα στον δεκαδικό του μπορεί να βρείτε τον αριθμό της ταυτότητας ή του διαβατηρίου σας Δεν δώσαμε τόση μεγάλη σημασία στο να κατανοήσουν τον αριθμό αυτό, αλλά μέσα από δραστηριότητες να τον αναγνωρίσουν και να τον αντιγράψουν και μετά στην αυλή, παιχνίδι με φαντασία, ψάξιμο και δημιουργικότητα

Monday, March 13, 2023

Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Rabia Korkut Kardelen Şehit Burak Abikebahşi Ortaokulu Anasınıfı Ankara


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Everyone has seen it

Scuola dell'infanzia Via Monte Spada Quartucciu Italy

In the game of the goose the achievement of the goal takes place through movements based on the fate dictated by the dice.

In our school we have created a floor goose game inspired by the illustrated book "Everyone has seen it": a motor path in which the steps to be taken follow the indications on the dice until you reach the magnificent elephant with golden wings.

The same game has been transformed, using the Genially application, into a virtual goose game that can also be played from home or remotely.

Would you like to try it?

Digital game "Everyone has seen it"

NUMBER HUNTERS ELMAS KARTAL ULUDAĞ PRİMARY SCHOOL TURKEY/ We got to know the concepts of Full, Half, Quarter with the Pizza Activity with our students.




NUMBER HUNTERS ELMAS KARTAL ULUDAĞ PRİMARY SCHOOL TURKEY/ We chose the logo of our project with our students


NUMBER HUNTERS ELMAS KARTAL ULUDAĞ PRİMARY SCHOOL TURKEY/We designed the logo of our project with our students


NUMBER HUNTERS ELMAS KARTAL ULUDAĞ PRİMARY SCHOOL TURKEY/ We held our February meeting with our Project Partners. We met.


Panagiota Skouteri, learn with pizza

We learn math through making pizza. The children, together with their parents, made, cut the pizza in half and into four pieces, thus learning division

Monte spada infant school Italy

 An activity of our common project was to make pizza and divide it in two and four equal parts.

Monte Spada infant school involved families in this activities and to share with us the experience.

The participation of families in school activities is a very important aspect of our path.

Through experiences and playful approaches, children learn:

Playing is a serious thing!

Panagiota Skouteri, 1rst Kindergarden of Gargalianoi, Greece
In the yard of our school we made, found, collected, composed and finally created the numbers, with materials from nature.

Duygu Demirci/Vardar Kinderherten-Bursa


Mathematics in nature 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Slogan preparations in class-Foteini Vanikioti _Diavolitsi Kindergarten_Greece

 The second month og our project included a lot of joyful activities for our student too.

!st mission was the preparation og our project slogan slogan

We had a lot of proposals.We voted. using a mathematical way(Drawing a line under each students proposaa, counted the results using numbers and our ptoposal slogan was ready to the partners-teachers of our project for voting.We write it in Greek and in English at our poster

Our  work with slogan in class in the following video

Friday, March 3, 2023

Game with numbers _Foteini Vanikioti_Diavolitsi Kindergarten_Greece

 An other joyful activity in February was the game numbers.

Each partner was free to create and play with his/her student with funny educational number games.

We chose to play number games with the dice parts and we really enjoyed it

Our game of numbers with a dice and our game of number gymnastics in the following videos Game of numbers gymnastic

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Memory game

 The well-known memory game increases concentration and improves memory.

Classic memory game with the seats of the dice
helps us master the quantitative dimension of numbers 1-6!!

We place all the cards face down on a surface. In each round, one player reveals two cards for the other players to see. If the player opens two cards that do not match, they close them again and put them in the same spot. If the player turns up two identical cards in a round, they win the pair of cards and play again. Those who enjoy the game win!!! While we can play it alone from home in its digital form!!


Have fun